How will u know if a guy loves u?


It can be difficult to know for certain if someone loves you, as people may express their feelings in different ways. However, some signs that someone may love you include:

  • They make an effort to spend time with you
  • They communicate regularly and openly with you
  • They pay attention to your needs and try to help you
  • They express affection towards you and are physically affectionate with you
  • They make sacrifices for you and your relationship
  • They prioritize your happiness and well-being
  • They express commitment to the relationship and want to build a future together

Please note, not everyone express their love the same way and it is important to understand that just because someone does not express these signs in a relationship, doesn't mean they don't love you.

It's also important to remember that only that person can truly confirm if they love you. It's important to communicate with each other and to express your own feelings and needs as well.


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